1140 Grand Ave
Fillmore, CA 93015
Tel:  805-524-4282
FAX: 800-231-1831


We try to identify and tackle the core processes with a combination of creativity and common sense.  Among our consulting services, we offer:

Business Process Design, Implementation, and Support

bulletProgram Management Office Processes and Support
bulletSystems Engineering,  with an emphasis on integration and healthcare

Systems Selection Process Guidance including

Workshops &  seminars for management and development teams, senior execs in initial planning stages


Collaboration & facilitation for functional/technical experts for specific projects


Document and content management system specification and design

bulletDistributed System Integration Approach and Enterprise Methodology
bulletAutomated Web-Based Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting for performance, projection, and decision support

Tele-technology applications (tele = remote)

bulletFocus on solutions where communication over distance is aided by technology: Telecommuting, Telemedicine, Teleconferencing, Telemetry....
bulletConcentrate on the "form, fit, and function":  Making the tele-technology usable & part of your business processes

Health system specific programs

bulletIntegrated medical information systems
bulletStand-alone systems, emphasize special expertise in pharmacy/lab/rad/phys order entry, etc.
bulletTelemedicine requirements development and decision support, market surveys, procurement, acquisition and implementation planning
bulletAutomation requirements development and decision support, market surveys, procurement, acquisition and implementation planning
bulletResearch support
bulletLegal, legislative, guideline reviews relative to applying automation to medical systems and organizations
bulletMarket surveys and evaluations
bulletFormal clinical research systems support